
Nutcracker, the true story

Director Andrei Konchalovsky

Post Production design.

(Available later, as the film is not yet completed)

But here is a sample...

Noah Francis - Immortal
Director Noah Francis / Arran Bowyn

Perspective set based on Leonardo’s “The Last Supper’... has taken two years to surface- but hopefully worth the wait...Comms-Noah_Immortal.html
Ferrari F150
iPad Project
A lot of time building very accurate 3D models- right down to all the interior components... even the switches on the steering wheel work- operating things like the rear wing and KERS

Derailleur Gear

Animated illustration for iPad app-


turned out to be a bit of  mathematical

problem to make interactive...

The end result was worth it?

Godsports, Any Takers

and Trapeze

A series of films for Gopi Warrier for YouTube.

Only a couple of hours to direct the live action in a location which was not really ideal, and meant a lot of hand rotoscoping and architectural extension fiddling!

For ‘Any Takers’ I also had to manually lip-synch my mute video to the music track afterwards... not the best solution.

and made me realise that even one frame of difference sticks out a mile!

‘Trapeze’ was entirely computer generated... all 9 minutes.


Concepts for Alfonso Cuaron...

Unfortunately embargoed for the present... will load when I can.


Pitch for a film with Dominic Minghella,

about an episode in the life of Puccini.

I only had a few days to create this, and am particularly fond of his ‘crashed’ car.

Post War Orchestra

Some Ideas for instruments that could actually be played, made from real weapons.

I cobbled this together for a sales pitch.

Lenovo Yoga
Dir Martin Campbell
Great fun having total control of a container port in the Ukraine...


Quick concept for a sink estate set 5 years hence...

(I didn’t get the job!)

Ken Tuohy Productions

Producer’s ident for film intro- (I had to render this to 4K... looks much better!Wish I could animate better, but I had the idea and just went with it...


A long way to go yet!